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Showing posts from January, 2023

Familiar Start for the Unfamiliar Thieves - 100 Thieves LCS Spring 2023 Week 1 Recap

The more things change, the more they stay the same. This new 100T roster is starting the split a lot like the old 100T roster - slowly. Cole and Jordan bring the 100Kids together to explain why we're not overwhelmed, we're not underwhelmed, we're just - whelmed. The dads also talk about the perspective discrepancy that exists between evaluating the two team rookies (Tenacity and Busio), and why the narratives are more similar than different (read: Give Tenacity a freaking chance, yall, dang.) A good discussion ensues about Doublelift's new series "I make an entertaining video explaining what I think happened this weekend," and whether 100T's content outsourcing is going to play out positively or negatively. Oh yeah, and listener takes and questions galore! Listen here. TIMESTAMPS: 0:00:00 - Intro 0:08:44 - 100T vs C9 0:26:33 - 100T vs IMT 0:37:29 - Performance vs Hype: Rookie Edition 0:42:46 - New Recurring Segment: The 100T Content Part 0:56:29 - Listene